Why Exhibit?
Participating in the Preshow allows you to benefit from:
A tailor-made event suited to your needs
- A room individually decorated, furnished exhibition areas
- An upmarket venue where you can develop a friendly, relaxed relationship with your customers.
- Simplified logistics and a dedicated team to ensure you make the most of your time (quick set up).
One-on-one meetings
- Organisation of your appointments with the buyers in advance
- Privileged moments to create new contacts and get the attention of buyers. For 5 days, you eat together and socialize in a relaxed business event.
An "invitation only" event
- A favored return on investment to create new contacts: extensive visitor selection and verification process.
- Guaranteed meeting with the buyers for presenting a preview of your products.
For 5 days, meet the main buyers in general and specialist retailing, take stock of the past season with them and put together the future seasons.